
DES SI BELLES video ! Released on Friday 9 of April 2021

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=latxsE1YNCM

Written & composed by Simeon Lenoir – Album  » Exceptionnellement « .

Video featuring Simeon Lenoir, Juan Rivera, Katell le Daim, Fadila, Assia & Djibril Fatemi, Nathie du Sud, Marcel, Nath, Chulli Wagen, Serena, Fatima, Nathan et bien d’autres…

Recorded in Narbonne, Altea, L’Alpe d’huez, Arles.

Final cut Zeff – Production Do Cobalt

Music recorded at Studio live Paris Fresnes Simeon lenoir, Pierre Mezari, Sam Koné, Zeff

Production Do Cobalt music


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